If you are on the internet very much you will find a lot of people associate Christians as being anti-science. Historically, this notion is outrageous, because modern science was born out of a biblical worldview. It took a Christian mindset to propel scientific investigation in its early days. I suppose there have been some christians in the past and there are some today who so distrust science that they can be considered anti-science. I haven’t met a lot of people like that. I do know that many Christians are called anti-science because they don’t buy into the predominant view point of evolution.
What exactly is the mission of His Nature TV? Two metaphors come to mind. Exercise and Vaccinations. The teaching we do is designed to build into kids a thorough biblical worldview upon which they make the decisions of life. It is also to vaccinate/inoculate them against the faith-destroying influences in the world today. Never before in the history of Christianity have two factors been so great: adult biblical illiteracy and sophisticated spiritual assaults from various media. Our program takes an intentional, sophisticated, mature form to show kids that the world is full of articulate bright Christians with solid answers to the questions young people have. Atheists are advertising on billboards and busses! Humanists use movies to shape thinking.
We have the better arguments! We have the only cohesive worldview. Let’s get out there and share it.
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