We still need $28,760 as of 5 am.
Your support, is CRITICAL to keep our amazing script-writing team working on 30-minute TV programs designed to build and protect faith for 8 -14 year olds.
We engage kids using their favorite way to receive information (media), and give them irrefutable reasons to believe the Bible and trust Jesus!
Apologetics has focused on adults for decades yet research shows 9 and 10 year olds are in critical need of it. Let’s change this!
Jesus warned those who cause children to stumble. We need adults who will stand in the gap and provide the financial resources to bring true faith building media to young hearts.
Tech Trackers is designed for kids involved in church and the many, many kids who have no access to Christian teaching.
Christian media for kids has been silly, trivial, and dumbed-down far too often. Tech Trackers is a game changer ministry. Please support us!
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